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Become a member of the Sudanese Community Association of Greater Manchester and gain access to various benefits.
Our membership is designed to provide a unique and engaging experience, including exclusive events.
Membership contributions and donations start from £5 monthly or £60 Annually.
We would be grateful if anyone or any business would pay as much as possible to support our community.
تبدأ مساهمات العضوية والتبرعات من 5£ شهريًا أو 60£ سنويًا
سنكون ممتنين إذا قام أي شخص أو أي شركة بدفع أكبر مساهمة ممكنة لدعم الجالية السودانية بمانشستر
الحساب البنكي للجالية السودانية بمانشستر الكبري
Business Account Name:
Sudanese Community Association of Greater Manchester
Sort code: 80-22-60
Account number: 26542460
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